Participant's Guide
What you need? |
Table slot |
Arrival |
Event Location |
Showers |
Sleeping |
Eating |
Household Appliance Area |
Map |
What you need?
- Computer/ Game Console & Monitor/TV
- Needed wires and connection cables
- Keyboard, mouse, mousepad and controller for your game console
- Headphones (speakers are forbidden) Rules)
- Network Cable ( 7-10 meters long)
- Backup media for your operating system and driver (Just in case)
- Extension Cord (2-3 slots and 1,5 - 5 m long)
- Sleeping bag, pillow and sleeping pad or matress (the floor is a pit cold and hard in the sleeping area)
- Extra clothes
- Toiletries (toothbrush, shampoo, deadorant, etc)
- Towel
- Packed lunch if needed (There is a restaurant at the event place)
- You can bring your own chair to your table slot
We recommend also
- Flashlight
- Phone charger
- Painkillers
- Earplugs
Table slot
Normal table slot's size is about 82x70cm.There is only one electrical outlet per table slot so be prepared to take 3 meter long extension cable with 2 to 3 outlets. (Also check your extension cord so that it doesn't cause problems with our grid) We also offer one network port for every table slot. Additionally you need your own 7 -10 m long network cable from the table switch to your computer. YOU CANNOT CONNECT ANY HOUSEHOLD DEVICES OR NETWORK DEVICES (modems, switches, routers, etc) TO YOUR TABLE SLOT.
ATTENTION! If you bring game console and computer with multiple monitors to your table slot make sure you don't overuse the power consumption limits that are assigned to your table slot.
South Entrance is open during the whole event, day and night.
Arriving by Car
For many the easiest way to arrive to the venue is by car. The Event place is located about 6km from the downtown of Tampere. The address is Ilmailunkatu 20, 33901 Tampere. Easiest way to find your way to the event location is to use your own navigator. In Tampere region you should follow "Messukeskus"-signs that lead you to the event place.
Torstaina pohjoinen sisäänkäynti on auki klo 19 asti. Liikenteenohjaus ohjaa teidät vähiten ruuhkaiselle sisäänkäynnille siihen asti. Tämän jälkeen sisäänkäynti tapahtuu pelkästään eteläisen sisäänkäynnin kautta.
Arriving to the event from the main roads:
Helsingin suunnasta.
Jyväskylän suunnasta.
There is free parking at the parking lots
Eteläisen sisäänkäynnin parkkiin pääsee ajamaan messukeskuksen pääparkin kautta. Kuten kuvassa näkyy vihreällä nuolella. Bussipysäkin ja taxitolpan puolelta ajaminen eteläiseen sisäänkäynnin eteen on kielletty, kuten kuvassa näkyy punaisella nuolella.
The parking lots are marked at the picture above. Parking right in front of the door is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN!
Public Transportation
Jos olet tulossa kauempaa, niin sinun on helpointa matkustaa ensin Tampereen juna-asemalle tai linja-autoasemalle. Bussilinjalla 14 pääsee suoraan tapahtumapaikan pääovien eteen. Juna-asemalta lähin pysäkki on tien toisella puolella vastapäätä juna-asemaa. Linja-autoasemalta lähin pysäkki on linja-autoaseman edessä. Jos linja-autolla kulkeminen on mielestäsi hankalaa, on tietenkin mahdollista käyttää myös taxia. Kyyti bussi- ja juna-asemalta maksaa noin 13-18 euroa.
Event Location
The Venue is at Tampereen messu- ja urheilukeskus(TESC) E-hall also know as "Tähtiareena". The Venue offers all the basic needs: showers, sleeping areas and restaurants for Lantrek customers. Near the event location is also Citymarket(Grocery Store), Hesburger, Subway, Burger King and other similar services.
info desk
Info desk helps you with all the questions and problems concerning the event. Don't hesitate to contact us if you any question.
- Ticket sales
- Lost property
- In case there is problem with your table slot the event info informs the organizers about the problem and we will come to fix and find solutions to the problem
- First aid equipment (band-aid etc)
Info desk is also on duty during the event at the Lantreks Discord channel #infodesk
Game info
Game info is serving and helping the gamers that are participating in the Professional- or Amateur-tournaments.
First Aid
The First Aid Station is located next to Info desk. If you are injured or have medical problem go to info desk or nearest organizer. In case of emergency call 112 (Finnish Emergency Response Center)
The showers are located in A-halls hallway as shown in the map below. The showers are clearly marked for women and men and the showers are available during the whole event.
Yleinen käsitys on, että koko tapahtuma pyritään valvomaan "samoilla silmillä". Suosittelemme hyödyntämään tapahtuman nukkuma-aluetta ja tuomaan mukanasi oman patjan, tyynyn sekä makuupussin. Huom! Nukkuminen on turvallisuussyistä sallittua vain sille varatulla alueella. Nukkuma-alue sijaitsee A-hallissa ja on valvottu ja kaikille yhteinen. Tapahtuman nukkuma-alueella on kylmä betonilattia, joten suosittelemme huomioimaan tämän nukkumavarusteiden osalta. Kannattaa pakata vaikka villasukat ja toinen makuualusta ym. mukaan jos se vain on mahdollista. Korvatulpat ovat myös hyvä varuste herkkäunisille.
If you are hungry the restaurant called Finnresta Barcelona is at the second floor of E-hall. They have warm buffet with salad and bread table. Additionally there is coffee and tea.
If needed! Vegan and special diet are possible if asked at the kitchen.
Food Pricing
- Food ticket in advance from the ticket store: 10 € per person untill 23.2.2020 10 € / hlö (Untill 23.2.2020.)
- You can also buy food tickets from the restaurant for 10 € per person. 10 €/ hlö.
- One food ticket is authorized for one meal
Restaurants menu and opening
Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Lunch 11 am - 3 pm
Päivän raaste/salaatti
Lihapyöryköitä kermakastikkeessa L,G
Chimichurri-kastikkeella maustettua härkispaistosta M, G, VEG
Paahdettua hunajaporkkanaa M, G
Perunamuusia L, G
Leipä ja levite
Kahvi tai tee
Lunch 11 am - 3 pm
Päivän raaste/salaatti
Miedosti tulista kebabia M, G
Kasvisbiryani M, G, VEG
Paahdettua parsakaalia kurpitsansiemenillä M, G, VEG
Höyrytettyä riisiä M, G, VEG
Leipä ja levite
Kahvi tai tee
Dinner 6 pm - 9 pm
Päivän raaste/salaatti
Tacoja ja chili con carne M, G
Tacoja ja chili cin carne M, G, VEG
Nyhtökaura-caponata M, VEG
Batatas Bravas eli espanjalaiset lohkoperunat M, G, VEG
Leipä ja levite
Kahvi tai tee
Dinner 4 pm - 8 pm
Päivän raaste/salaatti
Make your own Hot Dog – tuunaa oma hodarisi L
Cajun-maustettua kukkakaalia M, G, VEG
BBQ-maustettua perunaa M, G, VEG
Leipä ja levite
Kahvi tai tee
Dinner 4 pm - 8 pm
Coleslaw L, G
Perunasalaattia L, G
Nachoja & salsaa & Cuagamole M, G
Patonkia ja tuorejuustoa
Hot Wings, aurajuustodippiä, porkkana- ja kurkkutikkuja M, G
Makkaravalikoima M, G
Chipotle-maustettuja lohkoperunoita M, G, VEG
Leipä ja levite
Kahvi tai tee
G = Gluten Free, M = Dairy Free, L = Lactose Free
Ask more about the allergens from the restaurant staff.
During the event Finnresta Barcelona -kiosk in the second floor is open and is offering sandwiches, snacks and beverages.
Opening hours | ||
Thursday 18:00 - 23:00 |
Friday 9:00 - 23:00 |
Saturday 9:00 - 23:00 |
Household Appliance Area
There is a place for household appliances in the venue. You can bring your own coffeemaker or water boiler to the area. Fridges or freezers are forbidden.
Rules for Household Appiance Area
- Mark your own device with tape or marker
- Remove your device from electric socket after use
- Don't use other peoples' devices without permission
- Keep the area clean and in order
Venue Map
The nearest hotels are 4-8 km from the venue. The list of them are beneath:
"Hyödynnä Sokos Hotel Tornin ja Original Sokos Hotel Villan tarjoama BLANTREK2020 koodi ja majoitu Tampereen ydinkeskustassa!
Hinta sisältää runsaan aamiaisen, asiakassaunan, langattoman nettiyhteyden (Wi-Fi) ja ALV. Huomioithan, että varaukset tulee tehdä 25.2. mennessä. Muistathan käyttää BLANTREK2020 koodia varausta tehdessäsi.
Varaa huone osoitteessa"
- Google Maps
Be happy, don't worry
You are here to have fun and connect with friends. There may be problems with network, electricity or your computer. Don't worry, we the organizers are here to help you if problems occur. And in the end the feeling of the event is up to you... The participants. We hope you have an experience that will stay in your minds forever.
You have some improvement ideas? Tell us.
Contact us via email if you feel that we can improve our event somehow. [email protected]
You can also find us from social media. Our Discord is Discord-instant messaging service.